Monday 25 February 2013

The Sex Exchange

If dick were a commodity at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, it would be a share as desirable as a vagina after birth. Don’t get me wrong, shareholders continue increasing their influence in the industry.

Men have this uncanny ability to put up an intelligent façade and yet still do the darndest things. Dick is so freely available that it’s even given to the dead and infants, without consent obviously. Recently there was the tragic gang rape and murder of Anene Booysen and it brought the public to a state of realisation. The realisation that shit like that happens. What I’m interested in discussing is when did dick become so useless that it has to be given under duress, with multiple participants and then proceed to murder? It’s disgusting.

Every man knows how difficult it is to turn down pussy. Thankfully, and unfortunately at the same time, women are aware of this. The bank accounts of many a grown ass man have been depleted to negative figures because of the pursuit of vagina. Women need to understand that men cheat only because they are given the opportunity. You can’t cheat if no one else wants to fuck you. And we generous gentlemen just give the dick away like we’re Oprah Winfrey hosting a Christmas special. Grown ass men are publicising on social networks how they would do unforgivable things to merely toss the salad of any ample bootied woman that crosses the street. It’s all rather sad actually. I mean, I’d be crying if women were not so emotionally invested in the idea of having a man.

Ever since that Egyptian goddess Cleopatra, the pussy index has been known for trading at above market value and it has held firm. The screenmunch and thirst trap era, coupled with the inevitable “Ain’t nobody got time fo dat!” has secured their [missionary] position. As men (the competitive variety), we need to increase our stock price. This can only be achieved by ignoring the pussy altogether. Do not buy women drinks, pursue your non-sexual fantasies and leave before the club closes. Not unlike Facebook, I may be talking to a wall here. As humans, we are not designed, only taught, to not act on our desires. But in one’s quest for self-actualisation, all desires are recognised, according to Mazlow’s Heirachy of Needs. Please do not throw obvious bones at these women otherwise they will never let you forget. If you have to throw bones, make sure they are inception bones that cannot be used against you in the court of law. By the way, to 'throw bones' is to mack, spade or just basically letting someone know that you like them.

Don’t misconstrue what I’m saying as a plea for a young thug not to fall in love. Just don’t undermine yourself or give up on your values or principles. That is what women are attracted to; a sure man, an unforgiving man, a confident man. I may be wrong, but I think it was the recently retired Pope Benedict who once said, “You will lose money chasing women but you will never lose women chasing money”. Who knows? You might actually grow up and mature, thus also maturing what you look for in a woman. Sometimes it's not all about aesthetic appeal but emotional connection. You might even start to relate to Jimmy Soul's lyric, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife".